Knowledgeable, Expert, User-Friendly
Established in 1977
User-Friendly Tech and IP oriented Lawyer Admitted in California and Texas
I'm in Texas, but my clients are all over the U.S., and in fact, all over the world. I work virtually and have done so for about 20 years. I'm available by phone, Zoom, WhatsApp, email, IM, and text.
For Businesses, I'm a Plug & Play General Counsel
You know your business. But all that “legal stuff” can loom heavily in the shadows. It can be stressful and overwhelming. That's what I'm here for — to take away that stress and make the “legal stuff” easy. When you work with me you get the benefit of over 40 years’ experience and easy to understand, bottom-line oriented, advice.
I’m most efficient at prevent problems, not solving them. This can be done with realistic policies, guidelines and contracts that work with how you do business. Contracts should be part of your sale’s process and encourage closing deals. Balancing protecting my clients with not driving them out of business with burdensome contracts that no one will sign, or require lengthy legal review is one of my superpowers.
For In-House Counsel, I'm your outsourced transactional attorney who doesn't need to be trained.*
I have decades of experience and adore drafting and redlining agreements, especially IP licenses, SaaS, PaaS, and combined SaaS/PaaS agreements. Tell me your goals and set me free to tackle odd, rush, or complex projects. I flat rate when possible and I’m very quick. Having been outside general counsel for many clients, I deal with keeping costs down, and keeping deals moving. I’ll help you do that, too.
*I do ask that you assign a paralegal or associate to tell me your software, formatting, and language preferences. I log that for each client, so I only need to be told once.
Contact Me Today
Business Address
640 Taylor St.
Suite 1200
Fort Worth, TX 76102
1716 Briarcrest Drive
Bryan, TX 77802